Supervisor and DOT resources
This page contains resources for Directors of Training and supervisors of trainees in the RANZCP Fellowship Program.
These resources are not being updated (they reflect the program at time of development), but are made available as a reference below.
DOT and DOAT resources
DOT and DOAT Role Description [PDF; 111 KB]
DOT Advisory Group Terms of Reference [PDF; 160 KB]
Clinical supervision
Supervisor Training Manual [PDF; 539 KB]
Framework of professional activities for supervisors [PDF; 2.4 MB; print as booklet]
Supervision principles [PDF; 133 KB].
E-learning - understanding Fellowship Program requirements
Train the trainer resources (2011)
The TELL Centre (WA) was engaged to develop and deliver a series of supervisors training videos and workshops in 2011.
CbD videos
- Sample CbD presentation [video; 13.4 MB]
- Sample CbD feedback discussion 1 [video; 12.9 MB]
- Sample CbD feedback discussion 2 [video; 15.4 MB]
- Sample CbD feedback discussion 3 [video; 13 MB]
Mini-Clinical Evaluation Exercise videos
Introduction to the Mini-Clinical Evaluation Exercise clips and task [video; 3.5 MB]
Sample Mini-Clinical Evaluation Exercise session 1: Speaking with a family [video; 10.8 MB]
Sample Mini-Clinical Evaluation Exercise session 2: Medication [video; 21 MB]
Workshop 1: Planning learning
- Presentation [PDF; 682 KB]
- Facilitator notes [PDF; 479 KB]
- WBA toolbox [PDF; 411 KB]
Workshop 2: Learning and teaching
- Presentation [PDF; 284 KB]
- Facilitator notes [PDF; 240 KB]
- CbD: example 1 [PDF; 43 KB]
- Professional Presentation: example 2 [PDF; 40 KB]
Workshop 3: Assessing and supporting
- Presentation [PDF; 1 MB]
- Facilitator notes [PDF; 515 KB]
Role play 1
Supervisor information [Word; 198 KB]
Sample OCA form – supervisor [Word; 109 KB]
Trainee information [Word; 198 KB]
Sample OCA form – trainee [Word; 95 KB]
Role play 2
Supervisor information [Word; 200 KB]
Supervisor end of rotation form – example [Word; 160 KB]
Trainee information [Word; 199 KB]
Trainee end of rotation form – example [Word; 159 KB]