Stage 3
Stage 3 of the Fellowship Training Program comprises the fourth and fifth years of training. This stage focuses on increasing levels of responsibility as trainees prepare to become consultant psychiatrists.
Minimum of 24 months full-time equivalent (FTE).
Trainees may commence a Certificate of Advanced Training during Stage 3.
Trainees complete four elective rotations (each 6 months FTE) in a single or multiple area(s) of practice:
- addiction psychiatry
- adult psychiatry
- child and adolescent psychiatry
- consultation–liaison psychiatry
- forensic psychiatry
- Indigenous psychiatry
- psychiatry of old age
- psychotherapies
- research/medical education/medical administration (prospective approval required).
Supervision requirements
A minimum of 4 hours per week for 40 weeks annually, including 1 hour per week of individual supervision of clinical work.
Formal education course
No syllabus for generalist trainees. During Stage 3, trainees are expected to build on the knowledge base developed in Stages 1 and 2.
Generalist trainees are encouraged to attend an adult psychiatry Formal Education Course (FEC), if available. Adult psychiatry curriculum [PDF; 145 KB]
Trainees in Certificate programs may be required to attend a formal education course for their area of subspecialty training per the Certificate program training requirements.
Assessments and requirements
During Stage 3 you will be assessed in the workplace, completing a range of training requirements. All required assessments for Fellowship must be completed by the end of this stage of training. See the full list of Stage 3 assessments and requirements.
Learning Outcomes and Developmental Descriptors
The Learning Outcomes prescribe the expectations of what trainees will need to attain in their rotations in order to meet the Fellowship Competency requirements and will be assessed in the In-Training Assessment (ITA) forms.
Learning Outcomes [PDF; 238 KB]
The Developmental Descriptors are behavioural descriptors for the Fellowship Competencies. They are intended to provide supervisors and trainees with a reference point for defining performance standards. It is anticipated that the descriptors will be of use as criteria supporting workplace-based assessments and guiding the provision of formative feedback to trainees.
Developmental Descriptors [PDF; 249 KB]
A Stage 3 generalist training checklist is available to help you keep track of training requirements during Stage 3.
Stage 3 generalist training checklist [PDF; 183 KB]
Transitioning from Stage 3 trainee to early career psychiatrist webinar is available on Learnit [member log-in required] presented by consultant psychiatrists who have recently attained RANZCP Fellowship. They shared their experiences about the realities of transitioning into professional practice.