Area of Need positions
Area of Need (AoN) positions are declared by Australian state or territory governments in locations where there is a shortage of medical specialists.
How to be appointed to an AoN position
You will be supported by the College for an AoN position if you meet the following criteria:
1. You have a job offer in a designated Area of Need in Australia.
2. You are found substantially comparable in the RANZCP specialist assessment process.
3. You are found to have the necessary skills to work competently and safely as a consultant psychiatrist in the designated AoN position, in the RANZCP AoN assessment process.
You may apply for specialist assessment and AoN assessment at the same time.
Area of Need Assessment application / extension form
Area of Need Assessment application / extension form [PDF; 550 KB]
Area of Need interviews
The relevant National Assessment Panel will review your application and decide if you need to attend an interview. RANZCP staff will confirm this with you via email.
Work restrictions
If you are approved for an AoN position you are only permitted to work in that specific AoN position.
If the position description changes, or if you wish to move to another AoN position, a new AoN application must be submitted to the College with the required supporting documents and application fee.
More information
Refer to the Medical Board of Australia’s Area of Need page for further information on Area of Need requirements.