Rotation assessments
You will be assessed while you are working in a psychiatry rotation.
All your rotation assessments are started and recorded in InTrain, the College's online training platform.
There are three types of assessment that you will complete during your rotations.
Workplace-based Assessments
These are the assessments you will do most frequently during training.
WBAs are an opportunity for you to:
- receive feedback on your progress
- help you plan future learning
- inform supervisors' assessment of Entrustable Professional Activities.
They are usually conducted during regular supervision time and are a way to focus feedback on your performance in the workplace. You should start completing WBAs early on in a rotation so you are able to act on any feedback.
Entrustable Professional Activities
EPAs are used to measure competence in the activities of psychiatric practice. Each EPA corresponds to a particular activity.
In-Training Assessments
These assessments are progress reports on your performance against the learning outcomes for your stage of training. They also track your attainment of EPAs.