For health services with STP posts
The Specialist Training Program (STP) is an Australian Government initiative.
It provides funding to health organisations to support specialist medical training in settings beyond traditional public teaching hospitals, including regional, rural and remote and private facilities.
More about the STP (Department of Health and Aged Care website)
Are you a trainee? Broaden your horizons with a STP post
Unique training posts are available across regional, rural and remote Australia including public and private health facilities, and non-hospital settings such as aged care, community health and Aboriginal Medical Services.
RANZCP Orientation Booklet for the Specialist Training Progam [PDF; 700 KB]
Specialist Training Placements and Support (STP posts)
Six-month training rotations at a priority setting.
Integrated Rural Training Pipeline (IRTP posts)
Completion of at least two thirds of the Fellowship training program in a rural setting.
Tasmanian Project
Initiative to train more psychiatrists in Tasmania.
Support Projects
Initiatives to support the success and sustainability of STP.
Military and Veteran Psychiatry Training Program
Six-month training rotations at settings specialising in military and veteran mental health.
Psychiatry Workforce Program
Six-month training rotations addressing a minimum of one out of the four eligibility criteria.
Rural Director of Training
Initiative to expand opportunities for aspiring psychiatrists to live, train and practice rurally.
Training posts
View the training post directories below to access lists of Government-funded positions.
The Training Post Map shows a snapshot of the geographical distribution of STP, IRTP and Tasmanian posts across Australia.
Training posts map - enlarged version [JPG; 1 MB] (last updated December 2020)
STP training posts
IRTP training posts
Tasmanian Project training posts
MVPTP training posts
PWP training posts
309 La Trobe Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
1800 337 448 (select option 5).
The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists has received Australian Government funding under the Specialist Training Program.