Training programs and zones
This page lists the current Fellowship training programs and zones, along with their accredited status and a summary of the most recent accreditation report.
Some zones are still to be assessed in the current round and do not have a summary report available.
ACT Branch Training Program
- Accredited from 5 October 2022 to 11 January 2028.
- Published data Q1 2028.
2022 Accreditation Report summary
Accreditation of ACT Training Program (5 October 2022)
The RANZCP Accreditation Committee (AC) appointed an accreditation panel to visit the ACT Training program on October 5th, 2022, as part of the routine five-yearly accreditation cycle. The panel, comprising a team of four, assessed all aspects of the ACT program against the Training Program Accreditation Standards.
Panel Observations and Recommendations
The panel noted an overall increase in trainee numbers and concurrent service expansion since the last AC accreditation review in 2019. Despite challenges in supervisor continuity and concerns about after-hours roster systems, the program exhibited a strong sense of camaraderie among trainees and consultants. The panel was also made aware of recent issues related to occupational violence at the forensic mental health service and training setting.
Additionally, the panel observed substantial self-advocacy by the trainee body and responsiveness from both consultants and clinical management.
The panel concluded its assessment with 17 commendations and 19 recommendations. The commendations covered, among other things, the successful mitigation of bottlenecks in the zone and the comprehensive support provided to trainees. The recommendations emphasised the need to enhance support for trainee welfare, safety and wellbeing, as well as safe and adequate training opportunities via augmented staffing resources.
Subject to satisfactory progress against the provided recommendations, the panel recommended a renewed period of full accreditation for five years, until Quarter 4 2027.
NSW Northern Sydney / Central Coast Training Program (NSWN)
- Accredited from 27 September to 11 January 2028.
- Published data Q1 2028.
2022 Accreditation Report summary
Accreditation of NSW Northern Sydney/Central Coast (NSWN) Training zone (September 26-27, 2022)
The RANZCP Accreditation Committee (AC) appointed an accreditation panel to visit the NSWN Fellowship training zone on September 26-27, 2022, as part of the routine five-yearly accreditation cycle. The panel, comprising a team of four, assessed all aspects of the NSWN zone against the Training Program Accreditation Standards.
Panel Observations and Recommendations
The panel noted an increase in training positions coupled with staffing complications, due in part to the COVID-19 pandemic, since the last AC visit in 2016. Short staffing contributed to concerns around the consistent provision of minimum supervision requirements and reliable access for trainees to mandatory RANZCP training requirements. Despite these difficulties, camaraderie was evident within the training body.
The panel concluded its assessment with 10 commendations and 31 recommendations.
Commendations covered, among other things, the proactive nature of Site Coordinators of Training (SCOTs) and large array of positive rural/regional training experiences available. The recommendations stressed the need for contingency plans related to trainee access to consistent supervision, processes to support the identification and ratification of any shortfalls within rotations, and the implementation of formal processes to provide suitably deidentified trainee feedback to supervisors.
The panel recommended a renewed period of full accreditation for five years, subject to satisfactory progress against the provided recommendations, until Quarter 1 2028.
NSW Sydney South West Mid North Coast (NSWSSW)
- Accredited from 21 April 2023 to 1 April 2024.
- Published data Q2 2024.
NSW South Eastern Sydney / Illawarra Psychiatry Training Network (NSWSESI)
- Accredited from 27 June 2023 to 1 March 2024.
- Published data Q1 2024.
2023 Accreditation Report summary
Accreditation of NSW South Eastern Sydney / Illawarra Psychiatry Training Network (NSWSESI) (June 26-27, 2023)
The RANZCP Accreditation Committee (AC) appointed an accreditation panel to visit the NSWSESI Fellowship training zone on June 26-27, 2023, as part of the routine five-yearly accreditation cycle.
This visit was held over from 2022 due to ill-health of key personnel. The panel, comprising a team of four, assessed all aspects of the NSWSESI zone against the Training Program Accreditation Standards.
Panel Observations and Recommendations
The panel noted that the Director of Training (DOT) was on long service leave on the first day of their visit, and so ensured that this crucial position was filled during the remainder of the leave. They also noted workforce shortages, a lack of resourcing for the DOT and administration staff, and a lack of clear communication pathways for trainees. Despite these difficulties, trainees reported high levels of satisfaction with their training, particularly in relation to supervision.
The panel concluded its assessment with 4 commendations and 49 recommendations.
Commendations covered the support trainees receive and the educational opportunities that are available to them. The recommendations covered, among other things, appropriate trainee allocation, organisation of communication and meetings between the DOT and Site Coordinators of Training (SCOTs) and supervisor handover processes between rotations.
The panel recommended a period of provisional accreditation for six months, with a further six month extension, until September 2024, during which the zone needs to address resourcing shortages.
NSW Hunter New England Training Program (HNET)
- Accredited from 17 September 2019 to 15 November 2023.
- Published data Q3 2024.
2024 Accreditation Report summary
Accreditation of NSWHNET Training Program (25-26 July 2024)
The RANZCP Accreditation Committee (AC) appointed an accreditation panel to visit the NSWHNET Training program on 25-26 July 2024, as part of the routine five-yearly accreditation cycle. The panel, comprising a team of four, assessed all aspects of the NSWHNET program against the Training Program Accreditation Standards.
Panel Observations and Recommendations
The programme is in excellent health, offering high-quality and varied training experiences. It is well-administered and organised daily, with strong management support. NSWHNET’s resources are top-notch compared to other training zones. The consistently delivered Formal Education Course (FEC) has received positive accreditation. Trainees are well-monitored, supported, and generally satisfied with the available resources. The programme is responsive to trainee concerns, ensuring smooth communication with management. Trainees report their supervisory needs are met, with access to supervision for both workplace-based training and summative assessments.
The panel concluded with 8 commendations, 13 recommendations, and 6 quality improvements. Key recommendations include monitoring the low supervisor-to-trainee ratio in high-growth areas, ensuring accurate supervisor accreditation and performance checks, and improving feedback of survey outcomes to trainees and supervisors.
Subject to satisfactory progress against the provided recommendations, the panel recommended a renewed period of full accreditation for five years, until Quarter 3 2029.
NSW North West (NSWNW)
- Accredited from 27 November 2018 to 26 November 2023.
- Published data Q3 2024 (extended from Q4 2023).
Northern Territory Training Program (NT)
- Accredited from 30 November 2021 to 29 November 2026.
- Published data Q4 2026.
2021 Accreditation Report summary
Accreditation of NT Training Program (30 November 2021)
The RANZCP Accreditation Committee (AC) appointed an accreditation panel to assess the NT Training program on November 30th, 2021, as part of the routine five-yearly accreditation cycle.
The panel, comprising a team of four, assessed all aspects of the NT program against the Training Program Accreditation Standards. Due to travel restrictions associated with the COVID pandemic, the accreditation was conducted remotely.
Panel Observations and Recommendations
The panel noted an overall increase in the number of trainees and supervisors since the last AC accreditation review in 2017. Despite challenges due to the bottleneck for trainees in Stage 2 owing to the lack of Consultation-Liaison rotations, the service has applied to the Psychiatry Workforce Program, which would ameliorate the difficulties with facilitating trainee progression through training.
Overall, there is an exceptional pass rate with centrally administered summative assessments, which is underpinned by an additional four hours per week for all trainees of additional exam focused teaching.
The panel concluded its assessment with 3 commendations and 16 recommendations. Recommendations emphasised the need to enhance administrative support to assist with dedicated day-to-day tasks to support trainees, increase DOT funding to fulfil DOT responsibilities and improve trainee safety & support. Subject to satisfactory progress against the provided recommendations, the panel recommended a renewed period of full accreditation for five years, until Quarter 4 2026.
Queensland Training Program (QLD)
- Accredited from 27 October 2023 to 26 October 2028.
- Published data Q4 2028 TBC.
2023 Accreditation Report summary
Accreditation of Queensland Training Program (24-16 October 2023)
The RANZCP Accreditation Committee (AC) appointed an accreditation panel to visit the Queensland Training program from 24th to 26th October 2023, as part of the routine five-yearly accreditation cycle. The panel, comprising a team of eight, assessed all aspects of the Queensland program against the Training Program Accreditation Standards.
Panel Observations and Recommendations
The panel noted a significant increase in trainee numbers since the last AC accreditation review in 2017/2018. The panel received positive feedback from trainees and supervisors regarding the CTSs and DOTs. The panel concluded its assessment with 14 commendations, 27 recommendations and 25 quality improvement suggestions. Recommendations emphasised the need to enhance trainee representation to state-wide psychiatry training, improve workplace safety, and provide adequate supervision and guidance for PWC through augmented staffing resources. Subject to satisfactory progress against the provided recommendations, the panel recommended a renewed period of full accreditation for five years, until Quarter 4 2028.
South Australian Training Program
- Accredited from 13 May 2021 to 12 May 2026.
- Published data Q2 2026.
2021 Accreditation Report summary
Accreditation of South Australian Training Program (12-13 May 2021).
The RANZCP Accreditation Committee (AC) appointed an accreditation panel to assess the South Australian Training program on 12 and 13 May 2021, as part of the routine five-yearly accreditation cycle. The panel, comprising a team of four, assessed all aspects of the SA program against the Training Program Accreditation Standards. Due to travel restrictions associated with the COVID pandemic, the accreditation was conducted remotely.
Panel Observations and Recommendations
The South Australian Psychiatry Registrar Training Program is impressive and well-run, providing valuable experiences for trainees. The panel noted strong support expressed by trainees for the DOT, Network DOTs and supervisors, as well as by supervisors for the DOT, Network DOTs and trainees. Overall, the strengths of the training program arise from the mutual support shared between the DOT, the Network DOTs, and all program participants. The panel concluded its assessment with 9 commendations and 9 recommendations. Recommendations emphasised the need to enhance the provision of continuous supervision and to improve trainee safety & welfare. Subject to satisfactory progress against the provided recommendations, the panel recommended a renewed period of full accreditation for five years, until Quarter 2 2026.
Tasmanian Training Program
- Accredited from 13 September 2023 to 12 September 2028.
- Published data Q3 2028 TBC.
2024 Accreditation Report summary
Accreditation of Tasmanian Psychiatry Training Program (12-13 September 2024)
The RANZCP Accreditation Committee (AC) appointed an accreditation panel to visit the Tasmanian Psychiatry Training program on 12-13 September 2024, as part of the routine five-yearly accreditation cycle. The panel, comprising a team of five, assessed all aspects of the Tasmanian Psychiatry Training Program against the Training Program Accreditation Standards.
Panel Observations and Recommendations
The panel noted and commended the investment of time and energy by the TPTP Director of Training (DOT), TPTP staff, supervisors, and the Tasmanian Health Service (THS) to address recommendations from previous RANZCP Accreditation reviews. Consistently positive feedback was received regarding the work that the DOT has completed in building strong relationships between the various services and the training program.
The panel concluded its assessment with 7 commendations and 23 recommendations. Recommendations emphasised the need to increase trainee support by mitigating concerns around supervisor continuity and establishing a formal feedback process.
Subject to satisfactory progress against the provided recommendations, the panel recommended a renewed period of full accreditation for five years, until Quarter 2 2029.
Victoria Western Region Training Program (VICW)
- Accredited from 13 October 2021 to 24 October 2024.
- Published data Q1 2027.
2021 Accreditation Report summary
Accreditation of Victoria Western Region Training Program (12-13 October 2021)
The RANZCP Accreditation Committee (AC) appointed an accreditation panel to assess the Victoria Western Region (VICW) Training program on 12 and 13 October 2021, as part of the routine five-yearly accreditation cycle. The panel, comprising a team of four, assessed all aspects of the VICW program against the Training Program Accreditation Standards. Due to travel restrictions associated with the COVID pandemic, the accreditation was conducted remotely.
Panel Observations and Recommendations
The Victoria Western Region Training Program is a training program with a variety of experiences delivered to a large number of trainees. The panel noted strong support expressed by trainees and supervisors for the Director of Training (DOT) and the Hospital Coordinators of Training. Trainees were appreciative of the level of support they receive from the Hospital Coordinators of training at each training site. Overall, the panel noted good liaison between the DOT and the Hospital Coordinators of Training. The panel concluded its assessment with 5 commendations and 15 recommendations. The recommendations emphasised the need to enhance funding for the DOT and administrative support, trainee support during on-call shifts, provide the required one-to-one supervision, and improve trainee safety & welfare. Subject to satisfactory progress against the provided recommendations, the panel recommended a renewed period of full accreditation for five years, until Quarter 3 2026.
Victorian Northen Region Psychiatric Training Program (VICN)
- Accredited from 9 January 2026 to 24 October 2024.
- Published data Q2 2026.
2021 Accreditation Report summary
Accreditation of Victoria Northern Region Training Program (8-9 June 2021)
The RANZCP Accreditation Committee (AC) appointed an accreditation panel to assess the Victoria Northern (VICN) Region Training program on 8 and 9 June 2021, as part of the routine five yearly accreditation cycle. The panel, comprising a team of four, assessed all aspects of the VICN program against the Training Program Accreditation Standards. Due to travel restrictions associated with the COVID pandemic, the accreditation was conducted remotely.
Panel Observations and Recommendations
The Victoria Northern Region Training Program is a training program with a variety of experiences delivered to a large number of trainees. The panel noted strong support expressed by trainees and supervisors for the Director of Training (DOT). Trainees were appreciative of the level of support they receive from the DOT and the Hospital Coordinators of training at each training site. Overall, the panel noted good liaison between the DOT and the Hospital Coordinators of Training. The panel concluded its assessment with 8 commendations and 13 recommendations. The recommendations emphasised the need to enhance funding for the DOT and administrative support, as well as to improve trainee safety & welfare. Subject to satisfactory progress against the provided recommendations, the panel recommended a renewed period of full accreditation for five years, until Quarter 2 2026.
Victoria Southern Region Training Program (VICS)
- Accredited from 25 October 2019 to 24 October 2024.
- Published data Q4 2024.
WA Metropolitan Psychiatry Training Program (WAMPT)
- Provisional from 17 August 2023 to Accredited to 30 June 2024.
- Published data - Q3 2024.
2023 Accreditation Report summary
Accreditation of Western Australia Metropolitan Psychiatry Training Program (WA Metro) (May 11-12, 2023)
The RANZCP Accreditation Committee (AC) appointed an accreditation panel to visit the WA Metro training zone on May 11-12, 2023, as part of the routine five-year accreditation cycle. The panel, comprising a team of four, assessed all aspects of the WA Metro zone against the Training Program Accreditation Standards.
Panel Observations and Recommendations
The panel noted that the WA Metro zone provides a strong training program, however the impact of current workforce shortages was noticeable, with trainees not always receiving the supervision required due to competing service and training needs. Governance of the zone by the WA Branch Training Committee (WABTC) was under review at the time of the visit while the Rural zone continued to be under development. The panel concluded its assessment with 7 commendations and 44 recommendations. Commendations covered high quality Formal Education Course (FEC), the psychotherapy training available to trainees and exam preparation opportunities. The recommendations covered, among other things, selection processes, communication of escalation pathways for trainees to use for support and minimum supervision provision. The panel found that Standard 1, relating to the governance of RANZCP training, fell significantly short of the levels required for continuing full accreditation of training zones. The WA Metro zone received six months provisional accreditation until 30 June 2024, by which time recommendations against Standard 1 must be addressed.
WA Rural Psychiatry Training Program
- Provisional from 12 May 2023 to 30 June 2024.
- Published data - Q3 2024.
2023 Accreditation Report summary
Accreditation of Rural Psychiatry Training Western Australia Program (RPTWA) (August 14-17, 2023)
The RANZCP Accreditation Committee (AC) appointed an accreditation panel to visit the RPTWA zone on August 14-17, 2023. The RPTWA zone was granted provisional accreditation as a new Fellowship training zone in 2022. In accordance with the Accreditation Policy, this summative visit was undertaken to determine if the new zone could be granted full accreditation. The panel, comprising a team of four, assessed all aspects of the RPTWA zone against the Training Program Accreditation Standards.
Panel Observations and Recommendations
The panel noted that the RPTWA has had success as a new training zone and is able to provide high quality and unique experiences to trainees. There are some areas for improvement within the zone, however these are largely considered to be difficulties borne from the development of a new service. Governance of the zone by the WA Branch Training Committee (WABTC) was under review at the time of the visit while the WA Metro zone underwent its five-year accreditation. The panel concluded its assessment with 2 commendations and 19 recommendations. The commendations focused on the accessible and supportive Director of Training (DOT) and the support the new training zone has received. The recommendations covered, among other things, communication of assessment support, appropriate after-hours support and the clear communication of supervision requirements to all supervisors. The panel found that Standard 1, relating to the governance of RANZCP training, fell significantly short of the levels required for continuing full accreditation of training zones. The RPTWA zone received six months provisional accreditation until 30 June 2024, by which time recommendations against Standard 1 must be addressed.
Hinengaro Ākonga ō Tokerau / Northern Region Psychiatry Training Programme (NRPTP) (Auckland)
- Accredited from 2 September 2022 to 10 November 2027.
- Published data Q4 2027.
2022 Accreditation Report summary
Accreditation of NRPTP (Auckland) Training Program (1-2 September, 2022)
The RANZCP Accreditation Committee (AC) appointed an accreditation panel to visit the Northern Region Psychiatry Training program (NRPTP) on 1st and 2nd of September 2022, as part of the routine five-yearly accreditation cycle. The panel, comprising a team of five, assessed all aspects of the NRPTP program against the Training Program Accreditation Standards.
Panel Observations and Recommendations
The panel noted a significant change of key personnel and health district governance since the last AC accreditation review in 2016. The panel received positive feedback from trainees and supervisors regarding the day-to-day NRPTP activities. The panel concluded its assessment with 14 commendations and 17 recommendations. Recommendations emphasised the need to enhance support for trainee welfare, as well as adequate training opportunities via augmented staffing resources. Subject to satisfactory progress against the provided recommendations, the panel recommended a renewed period of full accreditation for five years, until Quarter 4 2027.
Upper Central North Island Region Psychiatry Training Programme (UCNI) (Hamilton)
- Accredited from 28 June 2022 to 28 June 2027.
- Published data Q1 2028.
2022 Accreditation Report summary
Accreditation of UCNI Training Program (28 June 2022)
The RANZCP Accreditation Committee (AC) appointed an accreditation panel to accredit the UCNI Training program on 28 June 2022, as part of the routine five-yearly accreditation cycle. The panel, comprising a team of four, assessed all aspects of the UCNI program against the Training Program Accreditation Standards. Due to travel restrictions, the accreditation was conducted remotely.
Panel Observations and Recommendations
The panel noted that all recommendations from the 2016 accreditation visit had been addressed, and all issues were concluded to the satisfaction of the College’s Accreditation Committee. Trainees and supervisors provided positive feedback regarding the day-to-day UCNI training programme activities. However, the panel was also made aware of issues around Consultation-Liaison rotation placements, which need to be addressed despite an otherwise well-structured program. The panel concluded its assessment with 12 commendations and 5 recommendations. Recommendations emphasised the need to enhance support for trainee wellbeing focusing on fatigue management, as well as adequate training opportunities via augmented resources. Subject to satisfactory progress against the provided recommendations, the panel recommended a renewed period of full accreditation for five years, until Quarter 2 2027.
Lower and Central North Island Training Programme (LCNI) (Wellington)
- Accredited from 10 August 2022 to 9 August 2027.
- Published data Q3 2027.
2022 Accreditation Report summary
Accreditation of LCNI Training Program (10 August 2022)
The RANZCP Accreditation Committee (AC) appointed an accreditation panel to accredit the Lower and Central North Island (LCNI) Training program on 10 August 2022, as part of the routine five yearly accreditation cycle. The panel, comprising a team of four, assessed all aspects of the LCNI program against the Training Program Accreditation Standards. Due to travel restrictions, the accreditation was conducted remotely.
Panel Observations and Recommendations
The panel noted an overall increase in trainee numbers both at MHAIDS and in the regions since the last AC accreditation review in 2016. Trainees and supervisors provided positive feedback to the accreditation panel regarding the day-to-day LCNI Training Programme. All recommendations from the 2016 accreditation visit had been addressed to the satisfaction of the Accreditation Committee. The panel concluded its assessment with 17 commendations and 3 recommendations. The recommendations underscore the need to increase trainee support in Psychotherapy Written case and ensure completion of Safe Practice and Effective Communication (SPEC) training for the trainees. Subject to satisfactory progress against the provided recommendations, the panel recommended a renewed period of full accreditation for five years, until Quarter 1 2028.
- Accredited from 21 March 2019 to 20 March 2024.
- Published data Q2 2024.
2024 Accreditation Report summary
Accreditation of Christchurch Psychiatric Registrar Training Program (11 April 2024)
The RANZCP Accreditation Committee (AC) appointed an accreditation panel to visit the Christchurch Psychiatric Registrar Training program on 11April 2024, as part of the routine five-yearly accreditation cycle. The panel, comprising a team of four, assessed all aspects of the Christchurch Psychiatric Registrar Training program against the Training Program Accreditation Standards.
Panel Observations and Recommendations
The panel concluded its assessment with 5 commendations, 12 recommendations and 8 quality improvements.
The Christchurch psychiatry training programme remains well-run and stable since 2019. However, a shortage of psychiatrists and staff retention issues have created high-pressure conditions, negatively impacting the training experience. Management is working on retention strategies, but negative culture shift and reduced training opportunities, such as the removal of Forensic advanced training, have been noted. Despite these challenges, the programme continues to offer a structured and successful training experience.
Subject to satisfactory progress against the provided recommendations, the panel recommended a renewed period of full accreditation for five years, until Quarter 2 2029.
- Accredited from 1 November 2024 to 30 June 2029
- Published Q4 2024.
2024 Accreditation Report summary
Accreditation of Dunedin Training Programme (23-24 May 2024)
The RANZCP Accreditation Committee (AC) appointed an accreditation panel to visit the Dunedin Training programme on 23-24 May 2024, as part of the routine five-yearly accreditation cycle. The panel, comprising a team of four, assessed all aspects of the Dunedin Training programme against the Training Program Accreditation Standards.
Panel Observations and Recommendations
The Dunedin Psychiatry Training Programme (DPTP) is a smaller training programme with fewer than 20 trainees. The panel noted significant improvement in DPTP since the previous accreditation visit in 2019, particularly in the training experiences provided to the trainees.
During the visit, the trainees expressed satisfaction with their training, highlighting improvements in both morale and supervisory support.
The panel concluded its assessment with 8 commendations, 6 recommendations and 10 quality improvement suggestions. Recommendations focussed on trainee safety and welfare.
Subject to satisfactory progress against the provided recommendations, the panel recommended a renewed period of full accreditation for five years, until Quarter 2 2029.