Assessments and requirements
Entrustable professional activities (EPAs)
The general rule for EPAs is that you must complete 2 EPAs per 6-month FTE rotation.
The exception to this is your first rotation in Stage 1, when you do not have to complete any EPAs.
Mandatory EPAs for Stage 1
ST1-GEN-EPA5: Use of an antipsychotic medication in a patient with schizophrenia/psychosis
Remaining EPAs
- Any Stage 2 general psychiatry EPAs
- Any Stage 2 psychotherapy EPAs
List of all Stage 1 and 2 EPAs [PDF; 98 KB]
In exceptional circumstances, you can do other Stage 2 EPAs with approval from your Director of Training.
Remember that two EPAs must be attained in each 6-month FTE rotation so if you attain the two Stage 1 EPAs in your first 6-month rotation, you must attain two Stage 2 general/psychotherapy EPAs in your second 6-month Stage 1 rotation.
The Stage 1 First 6 Months FTE Rotation Exception Rule
A trainee in the first 6-month FTE rotation of Stage 1 may pass that rotation and its corresponding end-of-rotation ITA form before being entrusted with any EPAs. This rule may only be applied in the first 6-month FTE rotation of Stage 1 and cannot be applied in any other Stage or rotation.
Workplace-based assessments
You must complete an Observed Clinical Activity in each 6-month rotation.
A minimum of three Workplace-based Assessments (WBAs) are used to inform the assessment of each EPA.
In-Training assessments (ITAs)
You will be assessed on your progress throughout each rotation.
Mid-rotation ITA
The mid-rotation ITA is used to identify and provide feedback on your strengths and weaknesses as well as your progress in the rotation. It does not need to be submitted to the College.
End-of-rotation ITA
The end of rotation ITA must be completed and submitted to the College within 60 days of the end of a rotation. You are responsible for ensuring the ITA is signed by your Director of Training and that it is submitted on time.
Complete your ITAs online via Intrain. If you don’t have access to InTrain use the PDF forms below.
Stage 1 mid-rotation ITA Form [PDF; 587 KB]
Stage 1 end of rotation ITA Form [PDF; 419 KB]
Exams and central assessments
There are no exams or central assessments due in Stage 1.
Consider planning for your Scholarly Project and Psychotherapy Written Case, which are due by the end of training.
The deadlines for these assessments are shown on the Trainee Progress Trajectory [PDF; 77 KB]
Self-paced online learning requirements
During training you must complete online modules that are self-paced and can be completed at any time during training.