Assessments and requirements
Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs)
During Stage 2, trainees must attain a minimum of two rotation-based EPAs for each 6-month FTE rotation.
- If you are training at less than full time, you must achieve a minimum of one EPA per 6 calendar months.
- While 2 EPAs per rotation is the minimum requirement, you should plan to achieve 3 EPAs per 6 months FTE rotation.
- If you want to achieve more than 6 EPAs per rotation, discuss this with your DOT and supervisor.
Stage 2 EPA requirements
By the end of Stage 2, trainees must have attained the following EPAs:
Two child and adolescent psychiatry EPAs (during the mandatory rotation in this area of practice)
- ST2-CAP-EPA1: Manage an adolescent
- ST2-CAP-EPA2: Prepubertal child
Two consultation–liaison psychiatry EPAs (during the mandatory rotation in this area of practice)
- ST2-CL-EPA1: Delirium
- ST2-CL-EPA2: Psychological distress
Two addiction psychiatry EPAs (during any Stage 2 rotation)
- ST2-ADD-EPA1: Intoxication and withdrawal
- ST2-ADD-EPA2: Comorbid substance use
Two psychiatry of old age EPAs (during any Stage 2 rotation)
- ST2-POA-EPA1: Behavioural and psychological symptoms in dementia
- ST2-POA-EPA2: Medication in patients 75 and over
Four general psychiatry EPAs (can be completed during any Stage 1 or 2 rotation; in addition to the two rotation-base area of practice EPAs),
- ST2-EXP-EPA1: Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
- ST2-EXP-EPA2: Mental health act
- ST2-EXP-EPA3: Risk assessment
- ST2-EXP-EPA5: Cultural awareness
Two out of three psychotherapy EPAs (can be completed during any Stage 1 or 2 rotation; in addition to the two rotation-based area of practice EPAs; the remaining (third) psychotherapy EPA can be attained in Stage 3)
- ST2-PSY-EPA2: Therapeutic alliance
- ST2-PSY-EPA3: Supportive psychotherapy
- ST2-PSY-EPA4: CBT: Anxiety management
Other area of practice rotations
If undertaking other area of practice rotations, then the two EPAs from the associated area of practice must be undertaken.
E.g. if in an adult psychiatry rotation, trainees must attain any two Stage 2 adult psychiatry EPAs (i.e. in addition to any general psychiatry or psychotherapy EPAs).
More than 6 months in adult psychiatry rotations
Trainees who spend more than 6 months FTE in adult psychiatry rotations must undertake two adult psychiatry EPAs in their first adult psychiatry rotation, but then may select any Stage 2 EPAs in their subsequent rotation (e.g. Indigenous or general psychiatry or psychotherapy EPAs).
Table of all Stage 1 and 2 EPAs [PDF; 59 KB]
Workplace-based assessments
You must complete an Observed Clinical Activity in each 6-month rotation.
A minimum of three Workplace-based Assessments (WBAs) are used to inform the assessment of each EPA.
In-Training assessments (ITAs)
You will be assessed on your progress throughout each rotation.
Mid-rotation ITA
The mid-rotation ITA is used to identify and provide feedback on your strengths and weaknesses as well as your progress in the rotation. It does not need to be submitted to the College.
End-of-rotation ITA
The end of rotation ITA must be completed and submitted to the College within 60 days of the end of a rotation. You are responsible for ensuring the ITA is signed by your Director of Training and that it is submitted on time.
Complete your ITAs online via Intrain. If you don’t have access to InTrain use the PDF forms below.
Stage 2 mid-rotation ITA Form [PDF; 587 KB]
Stage 2 end of rotation ITA Form [PDF; 419 KB]
Exams and central assessments
Trainees are responsible for their own progress in line with the Trainee Progress Trajectory and must take into account the time required for enrolling in, sitting and marking each assessment in order to successfully meet each deadline.
The deadlines for completion of these assessments are shown in the Trainee Progress Trajectory [PDF; 77 KB]
Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) Exam
The MCQ Exam is set at the standard expected at the end of Stage 3.
- It should be passed by 36 months FTE training.
- It is not a barrier to the commencement of Stage 3.
- It is an entry requirement for Certificates of Advanced Training.
You may apply for the MCQ Exam after you have completed a minimum of 6 months FTE training.
More about the MCQ Exam
Critical Essay Question Exam
The Critical Essay Question Exam is set at the standard expected at the end of Stage 3.
- It should be passed by 60 months FTE training.
- You are eligible to apply for this exam after you have completed 18 months FTE training.
More about the Critical Essay Question Exam
Modified Essay Question Exam
The Critical Essay Question Exam is set at the standard expected at the end of Stage 3.
- It should be passed by 60 months FTE training.
- You are eligible to apply for this exam after you have completed 18 months FTE training.
More about Modified Essay Question Exam
Clinical Competency Assessment
The Clinical Competency Assessment consists of a review of your training portfolio, and if required, a case-based discussion.
- Must have completed at least one Stage 3 Rotation (6 months FTE training).
- Should be passed by 60 months FTE training.
More about the Clinical Competency Assessment
Psychotherapy Written Case
The Psychotherapy Written Case is assessed at the standard expected at the end of Stage 3 and should be completed by 60 months FTE training.
More about the Psychotherapy Written Case
Scholarly Project
The Scholarly Project is assessed at the standard expected at the end of Stage 3 and should be completed by 60 months FTE training.
More about the Scholarly Project
Self-paced online learning requirements
During training you must complete online modules that are self-paced and can be completed at any time during training.