Clinical Competency Assessment – Modified Portfolio Review
The Clinical Competency Assessment – Modified Portfolio Review (CCA – MPR) will be offered from April 2024 to April 2026 and is the major clinical assessment for RANZCP Fellowship.
To be successful in the CCA – MPR, you will need to demonstrate competency in a portfolio review.
The candidates who are unsuccessful in the MPR can re-apply for the next round of CCA – MPR once they have completed a further 6 months FTE of Stage 3 rotation and have recorded a Stage 3 ITA (of 6 months FTE duration) with a corresponding OCA for consideration.
Structure and format
The CCA – MPR comprises the review of your three latest end-of-rotation In-Training Assessments (ITAs).
The MPR assessment requires that:
- two of the three ITAs are Stage 3, along with their associated Observed Clinical Activities (OCAs)
- for trainees, the three ITAs cover a training time of at least 15 months FTE duration, nine months of which must be Stage 3 training
- for SIMG candidates, the training time to be reviewed must be at least 12 months FTE duration which must be Stage 3 training.
Application dates
April 2025
- Applications open: Wednesday 2 April 2025, 9am (AEDT)
- Applications close: Wednesday 16 April 2025, 5pm (AEST)
September 2025
- Applications open: Monday 8 September 2025, 9am (AEST)
- Applications close: Monday 22 September 2025, 5pm (AEST)
How to apply
Complete and submit your ITAs and OCAs to ensure that your training record is up to date by the time you apply.
ITAs and OCAs that have not been recorded at the College cannot be considered as part of the Portfolio Review.
Applications must be submitted via the "Forms" tab on InTrain. No Late applications will be accepted.
To be eligible for the CCA – MPR, trainees must have:
- completed at least two Stage 3 rotations of at least a total of nine months FTE duration
- at least two Stage 3 end-of-rotation ITAs (a total of at least nine months FTE duration) recorded with the College
- completed at least three OCAs of which two are from Stage 3
- completed a total of 15 months FTE of training time of which nine months FTE must be from Stage 3
- the three most recent end-of-rotation ITAs and OCAs will be considered.
For trainees applying for April 2025, end-of-rotation ITAs from Rotation 2, 2024 with a cut-off date ending in February 2025 will be considered for the portfolio review as one of the three ITAs required.
The eligibility criteria for SIMG are as follows:
- completed at least two Stage 3 rotations of at least a total of 12 months FTE duration
- have at least two Stage 3 end-of-rotation ITAs (a total of at least 12 months FTE duration) recorded at the College
- completed at least two Stage 3 OCAs
- a SIMG Portfolio Review will involve the three most recent ITAs, however, where three ITAs are not available, two most recent end-of-rotation ITAs may be considered for review.
For SIMG candidates applying for April 2025, end-of-rotation ITAs ending up to 5 February 2025 will be considered in scope as one of the ITAs required.
Other requirements for eligibility
- All trainee and SIMG candidates must have a current medical registration.
- Trainees must have completed any required ‘Commencement of Targeted Learning’ documentation.
- SIMG candidates must be enrolled on the partial comparability pathway and have current comparability status.
Trainees who have a ‘not in training’ status are not eligible to apply for CCA – MPR.
The CCA – MPR applicants should have ideally completed a minimum of six months (FTE) in clinical rotations during the 9-month Stage 3 training in addition to the non-clinical ITAs, which sufficiently demonstrates the competency across all the CanMEDs clinical domains and should have an associated OCA available for review.
If you are applying following an unsuccessful attempt at the CCA or Alternative Assessment Pathway you must supply a new end-of-rotation ITA and OCA to be eligible to enrol. This ITA would need to be a Stage 3 ITA of a minimum of six months FTE duration.
The Portfolio Review will not consider any retrospective applications to alter supervisor feedback in the ITA and OCA forms.
Portfolio Review Criteria
Your overall performance in the end-of-rotation ITAs and the corresponding OCAs is assessed against Fellowship competencies and your achievement of the learning outcomes. Please see the Portfolio Review Assessment Criteria below for further information.
CCA – Modified Portfolio Review Criteria
An application fee of $842 must be paid to complete your application.
Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions pertaining to the CCA – MPR
Special consideration
Applications for special consideration will be considered on a case-by-case basis and must be submitted in writing to
The results will be released approximately after ten (10) business days following endorsement by the relevant committee.
You will be notified by email when your result is finalised.
Targeted Learning and Training Review
You will not be required to undertake Targeted Learning and/or Training Review if you withdraw midway or are unsuccessful in the CCA – MPR.