Stage 1
Stage 1 is the first year of psychiatry training. The focus is on gaining the knowledge and skills to practice in an adult clinical setting.
Minimum of 12 months full time equivalent (FTE).
Clinical work experience
Minimum of 12 months FTE in adult psychiatry training, including a minimum of six months FTE in an acute setting.
Supervision requirements
Minimum of four hours per week for 40 weeks, including:
- two hours per week exclusive of ward rounds and case review
- at least one hour per week of individual supervision of clinical work.
Formal Education Course
You must enrol and demonstrate satisfactory participation in a College-accredited formal education course during the first three years of FTE accredited training.
Stage 1 curriculum map [PDF; 231 KB]
Stage 1 Syllabus [PDF; 53 KB]
Assessments and requirements
During Stage 1 you will be assessed in the workplace complete a range of training requirements. See the full list of Stage 1 assessments and requirements.
Learning outcomes
You must attain the Stage 1 Learning Outcomes in order to progress to Stage 2.
Learning Outcomes [PDF; 238 KB]
The Developmental Descriptors are behavioural descriptors for the Fellowship Competencies. They are intended to provide supervisors and trainees with a reference point for defining performance standards. It is anticipated that the descriptors will be of use as criteria supporting workplace-based assessments and guiding the provision of formative feedback to trainees.
Developmental Descriptors [PDF; 249 KB]
Making the most of Stage 1
A Making the most of Stage 1 webinar is available on Learnit [member log-in required]. It covers specifics of Stage 1 and real-life trainees’ experiences of the training program, including:
- Stage 1 requirements
- Helpful hints
- Hear from five trainees and their experiences of Stage 1
- Where to find support
- Q&A
Stage 1 training checklist [PDF; 87 KB]