Training more specialist doctors in Tasmania (Tasmanian Project)
The Specialist Training Program (STP), an Australian Government initiative, supports psychiatry training in Tasmania.
The program funds five STP posts, three IRTP posts, and three Training More Specialist Doctors in Tasmania (Tasmanian Project) training posts.
All posts are in Modified Monash Model MM2. In addition, the Tasmanian Project provides some funding to support trainee supervision.
The Tasmanian Project also supports training in Tasmania by providing funds to:
- enable eminent psychiatrists and other specialists to be brought to Tasmania to present tutorials in the Formal Education Course
- subsidise workshops for trainees
- maintain tutorials for first year trainees
- support trainees to access advanced training and educational grants, at the discretion of the STP Tasmanian Project Working Group.
The Tasmanian Project aim is to increase the number of specialist medical training positions available; and for Tasmanian trainees to receive an equivalent level of training to their mainland Australia counterparts.
The Tasmanian Project is governed through the STP Operational Framework.
Project Officer, Specialist Training Program, Tasmania
Hobart Office
+61 (0)3 6235 1800