Targeted learning & training review
Targeted Learning
Targeted Learning is a process by which trainees who have not successfully passed RANZCP Fellowship Program requirements by the required deadlines and/or those who have failed multiple times are required to receive additional assistance, support and mentoring.
- Trainee Progress Trajectory [PDF; 77 KB]
- Targeted Learning Flowchart [PDF; 92 KB]
- Targeted Learning Policy [PDF; 121 KB]
- Commencement of Targeted Learning Form [PDF; 224 KB]
- Completion of Rotation-based Targeted Learning Form [PDF; 169 KB]
- Staying on track: Making the most of targeted learning webinar is available on Learnit [member log-in required] hosted by Dr Shane Gill (Director of Training, South Australia) covers an overview of the updated policy, staying on track with rotations, progression and assessments, elements to include in a targeted learning plan and trainees' experiences of targeted learning.
Training Review
Trainees who have not progressed through the Fellowship Program as outlined in the Progression through Training Policy and the Trainee Progress Trajectory will be required to submit a training review application to the Committee for Training as to why they should be able to continue towards Fellowship.
- Training review application [PDF; 139 KB]
- Training review application process [PDF; 115 KB]
For more information, please refer to the relevant training regulation.
Application for trajectory adjustment
Trainees may submit an application to the Committee for Training (CFT) to adjust their individual training trajectory due to exceptional circumstances prior to approaching the deadlines as depicted on the Trainee Progress Trajectory [PDF; 77 KB]. Applications can be made at any point during training and should include:
- the reason(s) for the application
- a plan outlining the proposed course of action to complete the Fellowship requirements
- any other relevant information (e.g. medical certificate, references, statements showing how trainee has progressed to date)
- correspondence from the supervisor/Director of Training (DOT)/Branch Training Committee (BTC); if the trainee does not wish to seek DOT/BTC support, they should express their reasons in the application.
Any applications for individual consideration will be considered by the CFT on a case by case basis. For more information, please refer to the relevant training regulation.
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