How to use InTrain
InTrain is the College’s training administration system. It is for all RANZCP trainees, supervisors and Directors of Training (DOT) and Directors of Advanced Training (DOAT).
InTrain provides:
- at-a-glance overview of training progression and outstanding requirements
- alerts and reminders to keep training progression on track
- the ability to complete, submit and approve training activities all within the one system.
Access InTrain
All current trainees, supervisors, Directors of Training, Directors of Advanced Training and their assistants will have access to InTrain via their RANZCP account.
New to InTrain?
Familiarise yourself with InTrain by completing a short e-learning module, which includes video demonstrations. For Fellows, this module accrues CPD hours.
Email or call 1800 337 448 (toll free from Australia) or 0800 443 827 (toll-free from Aotearoa New Zealand).
Submitting forms for current rotations
The following forms are not currently incorporated into InTrain. These forms should be completed as usual on paper and submitted to the College. Outcomes of paper forms will be shown in the InTrain system.
Application to commence training in psychiatry
Applications to Scholarly Project and Psychotherapy Written Case
Notice of transfer (zone change)
Training Review and targeted learning plans