Australian Capital Territory awards
Beverley Raphael Prize for Psychiatry
This prize is awarded to the most outstanding final year medical student in psychiatry at the Australian National University, where Professor Raphael was the Professor of Psychiatry until 2016. The award consists of a payment of $1000.
Scientific Meeting Presentation Award
The RANZCP ACT Branch Scientific Meeting Presentation Award is awarded to a Registrar or Junior Doctor in Psychiatry for the most meritorious oral and rapid-fire presentation at the annual Scientific Meeting. The Prize for the oral consists of a framed award certificate together with A$1,000. The Prize for the rapid fire consists of framed award certificate together with A $500.
Teresa Foce Award
Dr Teresa Foce (ACT) was an outstanding Fellow who provided excellent clinical service as well as major contributions to trainee and medical student teaching and welfare. She was a highly respected peer and mentor to many trainees and Fellows. The Award acknowledges the most outstanding contributions by a trainee psychiatrist, individual or agency, as assessed through service to patients, the profession, and the community.
ACT Branch Meritorious Service Award
The Meritorious Service Award (ACT) acknowledges outstanding contribution to the function of the RANZCP or the practice of psychiatry in a clinical, academic or administrative capacity.