Child and adolescent assessments & requirements
Your assessments and requirements to complete the Certificate of Advanced Training in Child and Adolescent psychiatry are:
- eight Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs), two per 6 month rotation
- one Observed Clinical Activity per 6-month rotation
- mid-rotation and end-of rotation In-Training Assessments (ITAs)
- record of psychotherapy with 9 patients/dyads/groups
- final qualitative report
- study requirements based on your formal or self-directed learning.
You will complete learning and development plans at the start of each year. At the end of your certificate, you will complete a checklist and sign off.
Learning and development plan
At the beginning of each year of training, you must complete a written proposal outlining your plans for learning and development.
- In Year 1, your plan is due no later than 6 weeks from the start of your training.
- In Year 2, your plan must be submitted before the training year begins.
Learning and development plan [MS Word; 317 KB]
Guidance document to ATCAP Learning and Development plans [PDF; 177 KB]
Entrustable Professional Activities
You must attain 8 Stage 3 child and adolescent psychiatry EPAs; two per 6-month FTE rotation.
EPAs 1-8 are mandatory.
EPA9: Infant mental health formulation is an optional EPA and may be completed in addition to and not in lieu of EPAs 1-8.
It is recommended that
- EPAs 1-4 are attained in year 1
- EPAs 5-8 are attained in year 2.
List of all EPAs for this Certificate [PDF; 121 KB]
Observed Clinical Activity
You must complete at least one Observed Clinical Activity (OCA) with a child, adolescent or family during each 6-month FTE rotation.
In-training Assessments
You must complete mid-rotation and end-of-rotation ITAs. You must submit an end-of-rotation ITA form via inTrain within 60 days of the completion of a rotation.
Psychotherapy experience
You must provide psychotherapy under supervision to 9 patients/dyads/families/groups for at least six sessions each. The patients should include:
- three patients under 6 years old
- three patients 6-12 years old
- three patients 13-18 years old.
The following modalities must be completed:
- three structured, manualised (e.g., CBT, IPT)
- three dynamically informed (e.g., individual, play therapy, parent-child)
- three dyadic or family/group in any model (e.g., mother-infant, family/group).
Psychotherapy form [PDF; 120 KB]
Case record
Use the case record form keep track of the cases you have completed during the certificate. This is optional and may help you to complete your learning plan and final qualitative report.
Case record [PDF; 96 KB]
Final qualitative report
Submit a final qualitative report to your DOAT.
Checklist and sign off
You must submit a checklist of all activities for the certificate via inTrain.
Checklist and sign off [PDF; 179 KB]