Confidential Member Advice Line
The RANZCP's Confidential Member Advice Line allows you to speak confidentially the College for advice or support – for example in relation to professional matters, Fellowship or your training.
Contact the RANZCP for confidential advice
1800 941 002 (Australia)
0800 220 728 (Aotearoa New Zealand)
Available 8.30am – 5pm AEST Monday–Friday (or call out of hours and leave a message to receive a call-back)
This service is available to all members of the RANZCP.
Get help with
- issues at work or with training
- dealing with complaints
- seeking advice
- bullying or harassment
- transitioning into training, becoming a consultant or retiring
- medicolegal matters.
About the Confidential Member Advice Line
Calls are answered by College staff as a call-back service within business hours. If appropriate, you may be put in touch with a Support Fellow, who is an RANZCP member and who will be able to provide you with further support and referrals.
If you need advice about your individual training trajectory, exam performance or CPD this can be referred to the relevant College area for follow-up if you wish.
Other support available
The RANZCP Member Support Program is also available and offers confidential counselling and support through an independent and external provider, free of charge for College members.