Private practice resources
The RANZCP has prepared the following resources as a member benefit for psychiatrists in private practice, with the aims of:
- providing a useful practice framework for private practice psychiatrists working in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand
- presenting a set of principles, guidelines and elements for these psychiatrists to consider in the management of their practice
- assisting private practice psychiatrists to support their practice management and therapeutic relationship with patients and their families/carer(s)
- communicating to RANZCP members and the general public what they can reasonably expect of private psychiatry practice.
In developing these resources, the RANZCP has taken guidance from, in particular:
- Medical Board of Australia’s Good Medical Practice: A Code of Conduct for Doctors in Australia
- Medical Council of New Zealand’s Good Medical Practice
- UK Royal College of Psychiatrists’ Good Psychiatric Practice (3rd edition).
Wherever possible, links to other documents have been provided throughout for ready access to more in-depth information.
These resources complement the RANZCP Code of Ethics, 5th edition and the RANZCP Professional practice guideline for best practice referral communication between psychiatrists and GPs.
They supersede the RANZCP Quality Assurance Guideline #1: Outpatient Psychiatric Practice.
The RANZCP would like to thank the Royal College of Psychiatrists for its assistance. The RANZCP also gratefully acknowledges the generous contribution of the late Mr Jim Crowe, Aotearoa New Zealand community representative.
For enquiries about this information, contact
These resources are not exhaustive – they do not encompass every situation a psychiatrist in private practice encounters. Nor are the documents static – the RANZCP reviews and updates the information at regular intervals to ensure it reflects contemporaneous standards of medical care in both Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand.
This information is intended to provide general guide to practitioners, and should not be relied on as a substitute for proper assessment with respect to the merits of each case and the needs of the patient. The RANZCP endeavours to ensure that information is accurate and current at the time of preparation, but takes no responsibility for matters arising from changed circumstances or information or material that may have become subsequently available.