March 2025 CEQ exam now a 'no disadvantage' exam
25 Feb 2025
Trainee news
At its meeting on 24 February, the RANZCP Board approved that the March Critical Essay Question (CEQ) examination will be undertaken on a “no disadvantage” basis.
The Board recognises that the knowledge and skills tested via the CEQ are an important aspect of your psychiatry training. This decision was taken following careful consideration and recommendation from the College’s Education Committee, whilst we continue to consider the future of the CEQ.
What does no-disadvantage mean?
“No disadvantage” means that Trainees and SIMGs who are unsuccessful in the 4 March 2025 CEQ examinations will not have these attempts counted towards their training trajectory or the total number of unsuccessful attempts. Additionally, unsuccessful attempts in the March 2025 examination will not trigger candidates to undertake targeted learning or a training review.
Next steps
If you have been preparing for this examination, it is an important milestone in your training trajectory, and you may still decide to sit this examination as planned. However, if you decide not to sit this examination and wish to withdraw from the March CEQ sitting, your examination fee will be refunded. If you wish to withdraw you must advise the Exams team via by 5 pm AEDT on 3 March 2025.
The Board recognises that this information comes at short notice and may cause concern or distress to Trainees, SIMGs and Fellows. The Board regrets that this decision is being made so close to the examination date.
Should this announcement cause you distress, you are encouraged to talk with your Supervisor, your Director of Training, your employer’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) or the College’s Member Support Program.
Should you have a query in relation to your own circumstances, please contact the College’s Exams team directly via
Frequently asked questions
If the March CEQ exam is confirmed as a ‘no disadvantage’ exam, will there be any changes to future CEQ offerings?
The College is exploring alternative approaches for learning and assessing CEQ related skills and knowledge. However, If you have been preparing for this examination, it is an important milestone in your training trajectory and you are encouraged to sit this examination, especially if it is the only examination remaining for your trajectory to Fellowship.
If trainees or SIMGs withdraw from the March CEQ, will they receive a refund?
If you choose not to sit the March CEQ exam and wish to withdraw, please submit your withdrawal request by March 3 2025, to receive a full refund. Contact by 5 pm AEDT on 3 March 2025 to arrange a refund.
Why is the March CEQ “no disadvantage”?
The Board considers that the skills tested via the CEQ are an important part of psychiatry training. Other assessment processes may be able to provide a better assessment and consideration of alternatives, such as the Critical Reflection Activity which is underway.
When and how will the College formally communicate updates about the CEQ, any potential changes?
The College is consulting with relevant committees and stakeholder groups to explore approaches for learning and assessing CEQ-related skills and knowledge. Further updates on potential changes will be provided in the coming months.
Is the MEQ on 4 March also no disadvantage?
No disadvantage applies only to the CEQ.
Will this impact my progression to Fellowship?
The College upholds its strong commitment to continuing to grow its psychiatric workforce in Aotearoa New Zealand and Australia and meeting the needs of communities and will support all impacted trainees and IMGs in their timely progression to Fellowship. The College affirms its commitment that the March CEQ is a no disadvantage examination and will ensure clear application to all candidates who sit the March CEQ. The College will ensure a minimum of 12 months’ notice will be provided to all trainees and SIMG candidates on the pathway to Fellowship to ensure appropriate transition of any potential changes and progression to Fellowship continues.
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