
Faculty of Psychotherapy 2024 Virtual Conference

Integrating Lived Experience with Psychotherapy


23 November 2024
10 am (AEDT)



Organised by

Faculty of Psychotherapy



The Faculty of Psychotherapy 2024 Virtual Conference Organising Committee warmly invites you to a day dedicated to exploring and celebrating the role of lived experience in enhancing contemporary psychotherapy practices.

This year's conference theme, Integrating Lived Experience with Psychotherapy, emphasises the importance of combining our diverse perspectives to pursue a shared goal: incorporating lived experiences into the healing journey.

After the challenges of recent years, there is much to integrate and reflect upon. We eagerly anticipate coming together in both large and small groups to exchange knowledge and foster collective growth.

Join us for a workshop on the co-produced RANZCP approach to lived experience, engage with a thought-provoking film about early experiences, and stay tuned for more exciting developments as our committee finalises the program.

Faculty of Psychotherapy 
2024 Virtual Conference Organising Committee


Registration categoryPrice
RANZCP Fellow/Affiliate$190
Non-RANZCP Fellow - Psychiatrist and other medical practitioners$245
RANZCP Trainee/Retired Fellow/Allied Health$130
University Student (Medicine/Psychology)$100


Terms & Conditions

CPD Hours and Recording

By registering for this virtual conference, you can claim 4.2 CPD Hours. Instead of receiving a certificate of attendance, you'll need to log into your MyCPD portal to complete a reflection and submit your draft activity. The conference will be recorded, and you will receive an email notification when the recording is available.

Delegate cancellation

Due to the immediate and automatic access to materials, refunds cannot be issued. The conference content will remain online and accessible for 6 months after the conference dates for registered delegates to view at any time during this period, providing full value to all registered parties. Please contact if you have any enquiries

Event cancellation

The RANZCP reserves the right to cancel the event due to unforeseen circumstances. In the event of a cancellation, all registered participants will be notified via email, and a full refund of the registration fee will be provided.

Program changes

The Faculty of Psychotherapy 2024 Virtual Conference Organising Committee may adjust the program, including speakers and topics, as required. Any significant program changes will be communicated to participants promptly.