The Tasmania Branch has vacated the physical office in Hobart and has moved to a hybrid arrangement, utilising the meeting spaces around our beautiful state, with a redirection of Branch funds towards member activities. Please note the new postal address details under the contacts page.

Travelling Scholar program

Fellows from the RANZCP with particular clinical or research interests have the opportunity to be selected by Branches via Branch committees to travel to a state within Australia or New Zealand to exchange new ideas and information about developments in the field.

Policy and procedure [PDF; 190 KB]

Program guidelines [PDF; 176 KB]

Nomination form 2025 [Word; 142 KB]

For further information contact the TAS Branch on tel: +61 (0)3 6235 1800 or email:

TAS Branch Meritorious Service Award - 2024 now open

The Meritorious Service Award (TAS) acknowledges outstanding contribution to the function of the RANZCP or the practice of psychiatry in a clinical, academic or administrative capacity.

Nominations close Friday 28 June 2024.

Educational grant applications now closed

The current grant allocation for 2024 has been expended. Should more funding for this purpose become available, the grants will be re-opened and this notice updated. These grants are made available with the support of Specialist Training Program funding. Enquiries to

Useful links