The RANZCP Section of Youth Mental Health promotes the highest standards in clinical practice, training and research in youth mental health.
Youth mental health is an approach to the mental health needs of young people (12–25 years), often practised in a consortium model of care.
This Section aims to:
- promote the objectives of the College relating to youth mental health
- advise on training in youth mental health
- advance and disseminate research in youth mental health
- contribute to and promote the highest standards of clinical practice.
Current committee members
The chair of the SYMH bi-national committee is Dr Daniel Pellen.
The current committee can be contacted through
The Bi-national Section Committee's Regulations outline the purpose and responsibilities of the SYMH Committee.
All members of the College (including trainees and Affiliates) are eligible to join this Section. For further information on membership, please email
Join the Section via My RANZCP
Master of Youth Mental Health
The University of Melbourne, in partnership with ORYGEN, have developed a Master of Youth Mental Health to strengthen the capacity of the youth mental health workforce.
Please note, this is for Members’ information only, and is not a College Accredited Course.
The Section of Youth Mental Health hosts an annual scientific conference. Current event information can be found on the College's Events page.
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