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A day in the life of a Department of Veterans' Affairs Psychiatrist

This episode explores the work of psychiatrists in government, private practice and research for the population of military and veteran personnel in Australia. The conversation covers various specialist fields in psychiatry, including trauma-related disorders, substance abuse and forensic work. Dr Jon Lane, Leonie Nowland, Dr Alex Lim and Prof Jenny Firman discuss their experiences in private practice and its unique challenges and opportunities. They also highlight the role of Open Arms, a national counselling service for the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA), in providing culturally aware and trauma-informed care.

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A day in the life of an MVPTP Psychiatrist Trainee

In this episode, Dr Lauren Schild and Dr Rory Grinsill discuss their trainee experiences of their rotations in the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA). They talk about the value of these placements, the challenges they faced, and the benefits of group therapy for veterans. The conversation, facilitated by Dr Jonathan Lane, highlights the importance of understanding the unique experiences and needs of military veterans and the role of community support in their mental health treatment. Learn more about the Military and veteran psychiatry training program.

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Upcoming podcasts

  • What makes military, veterans' and emergency services personnel psychiatry different - Dr Jon Lane, Dr Dan Short and Dr Carmel Cash
  • Women in Defence and Veterans Psychiatry - Dr Carolyn Nas Jones and Dr Diana McKay
  • Findings from the Royal Commission report - Prof Ed Heffernan, Dr Jon Lane and Dr Andrew Khoo
  • How to write a good DVA report - Dr Richard Magtengaard

Network member research

Our network members have made significant contributions to research and the development of academic literature in military, veterans' and emergency services personnel psychiatry. 

Bipolar Audit Evidence Synthesis - Phoenix Australia

Defining and Measuring Moral Injury: Rationale, Design, and Preliminary Findings from the Moral Injury Outcome Scale Consortium - Yeterian et al

We want to hear from you

If you or someone you know has been involved in research in this area, please contact memberhelp@ranzcp.org with your research so that we can share it with the Network. 

External resources

Consumer resources