Partial Comparability Placement
This training placement is for Specialist International Medical Graduates who have been assessed by the RANZCP as partially comparable.
The placement involves:
- two years of workplace-based assessments
- a clinical assessment, the Critical Essay Question exam and the Modified Essay Question exam
- any gaps identified in training and experience as compared with RANZCP training standards.
This placement is a pathway to Fellowship of the RANZCP.
Your outcome letter
If your application for specialist assessment is found to be partially comparable, you will be notified by letter.
The letter will include a list of detailed training requirements personalised to your existing training and experience.
Starting your placement
You may start the Partial Comparability Placement at any time during the year as there are no cohort or rotation start dates.
Notify College staff of your start date and provide a copy of your AHPRA registration certificate to
You have 1 year from the date of your outcome letter to enter the country, obtain registration and start your job and the placement.
Apply in writing to the Committee for Specialist International Medical Graduate Education (CSIMGE) for any extension to your start date.
Comparability status
You are granted two years' comparability status to complete the training and assessment requirements for this placement to be eligible for Fellowship of the RANZCP.
Any extensions beyond two years are considered on a case-by-case basis by the Committee for Specialist International Medical Graduate Education (CSIMGE). The maximum time on this pathway is four years.
Placement requirements
The minimum training and assessment requirements for this placement are:
- four Observed Clinical Activities (OCAs)
- eight Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) from Stage 3. Three of these EPAs must be from a prescribed EPA list for SIMG candidates.
- four end of rotation In Training Assessment (ITA) Reports
- Clinical Competency Assessment
- Modified Essay Questions Exam
- Critical Essay Question Exam
- Psychotherapy – three patients for at least six sessions each (Stage 3 requirement)
- Leadership and Management training (Stage 3 requirement)
- Indigenous experience
- any additional gaps in training and experience as identified in your outcome letter.
Your time in this placement is divided into 6-month FTE periods. During each 6-month period, you are required to successfully complete at least one OCA, 2 EPAs and 1 ITA in accordance with the requirements for Stage 3 trainees.
You are required to meet your Fellowship requirements at the end of each 6-month period by completing the full six months FTE time at the workplace and by submitting the following assessment forms within 30 days of the end of the 6-month period:
- two confirmation of entrustment forms for each of the 2 EPAs completed.
- one OCA form
- one
- end-of-rotation ITA form.
Assessment forms
The most frequently used forms are:
- List of all EPAs
- Stage 3 EPA list [PDF; 76 KB]
- Stage 3 ITA Form – end rotation [PDF; 562 KB]
- OCA form [PDF; 296 KB]
- OCA protocol [PDF; 55 KB]
- Stage 3 Psychotherapy sessions form [PDF; 126 KB]
- Stage 3 Leadership and management form [PDF; 122 KB]
- Indigenous experience information and completion form [PDF; 89KB]
See the Fellowship Program pages for further details about these requirements.
Policy documents
Partial Comparability requirements for RANZCP Fellowship [PDF; 181 KB]
Maintenance of comparability status policy (section 4) [PDF; 123 KB]
Changes to the Pathway Progress Review and Extension processes [PDF; 123 KB]