Insights from Dr Alan Altham on meeting CPD requirements

Meeting my CPD (Continuing Professional Development) obligations for the RANZCP (Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists) has been an intriguing journey, especially as a private psychiatrist.

I found Section 2 (the formal peer review) to be surprisingly manageable, as I believe most psychiatrists are already actively engaged in various formal peer groups. These forums provide an excellent platform for exchanging insights, experiences, and knowledge within the profession, especially as a very new Fellow. My regular participation in these groups not only facilitated the process but also enriched my professional growth, requiring only the added step of registering these groups and maintaining a formal attendance log.

Initially, I was apprehensive about section 3, worried that it might prove to be quite onerous, especially working away from the public system, as there didn’t seem to be as much access to the practice review processes that are more common in the public system.  However, the turning point in my CPD journey was the opportunity to participate in an accreditation visit. This experience not only expanded my understanding of psychiatric practices but also provided a substantial boost to my CPD hours.

In my daily practice, I engage in routine activities such as case discussions, staying updated with the latest research, and participating in journal clubs. While these may seem routine, I was pleasantly surprised by how swiftly they accumulated CPD hours, helping me meet my requirements. I found keeping accurate record to be the most important, and it was helpful by my attendance at congress, which also provided the extra hours needed for section 5.


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