An update on the RANZCP Gender Equity Action Plan

Since the launch of the RANZCP Gender Equity Action Plan in 2023 the College, together with the Gender Equity Subcommittee has made ongoing progress towards promoting gender equity within psychiatry, building on the progress of previous years and planning for the years to come.  

As of February 2025, fifteen of the 36 actions set out in the Action Plan have either been completed or are completed and ongoing. Many more have been started and are in progress.  

For each year of the strategy, the College collects data on identified indicators and areas it can monitor for change over time.   

In 2024: 

  • 50% of the 2024 new trainee intake were women, reflecting true gender balance in the next generation of psychiatrists.

  • At the 60th Annual RANZCP Congressfour out of seven keynote speakers were women, and two out of three keynote speakers at the RANZCP New Zealand Conference were women. 

  • Five out of eight members of the College Board are women. 

  • An equal number of women and men held College representative roles on external bodies . 

  • 51 women were nominated for a College award (up from 35 in 2023). 

  • 59% of all members profiled across Psyche and other platforms were women. 

  • More trainees accessed the part-time training fee structure, making training more accessible for everyone. 

  • 49% of Directors of Training/Advanced Training positions are held by women.   

Areas for further action  

There are of course areas where future improvement can be made, including encouraging more women psychiatrists to become mentorsincreasing opportunities for women to take up Chair roles on College committees, and continuing to work towards greater gender balance on the two College journal editorial teams.   

While there is still work to be done, these achievements mark important progress in our ongoing efforts towards improving gender equity for women in psychiatry that will create a more inclusivediverse and representative future the professionWe remain focussed in our commitment to supporting, recognising, and empowering women as they continue to shape the future of mental health care. 





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