The ADHD Network promotes the study, research and advancement of the science and practice of psychiatry in the field of ADHD throughout the lifecycle.
- Psychiatrists in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand can gain increased competency to screen for ADHD and can have a basic understanding of the biopsychosocial management options and resources for this disorder. To this end, the Network will seek to work with education subcommittees and training committees of Faculties and Sections within the College to include ADHD competence in their core competencies.
- RANZCP guidelines for disorders commonly co-morbid with ADHD contain evidence-based or consensus-based advice on management of patients with the stated disorder and comorbid ADHD.
- All RANZCP Faculties and Sections whose focus areas are commonly co-morbid with ADHD have links with psychiatrists who have expertise in the field of ADHD.
- Where appropriate, ADHD presentations feature in Congress/Branch/Faculty/Section educational activities.
- The RANZCP works effectively with relevant external groups in establishing Australian and New Zealand guidelines for ADHD assessment, diagnosis and management.
- The interests of patients with ADHD and their families can be advocated for by the RANZCP at state and federal Government levels. This may include advocacy to public mental health services, the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, the National Disability Insurance Scheme, educational organisations, the legal profession, and with drug rehabilitation services, including collaboration with ADHD community organisations and support groups.
ADHD Network Committee
The current Chair of the Network Committee is Dr Karuppiah Jagadheesan.
The Network Committee can be contacted via
The RANZCP ADHD Network Terms of Reference outline the purpose, responsibilities, membership and governance of the Network.
Membership of the Network is open to all Members of the College. There are no fees to join the Network.
Join the Network via MyRANZCP [Member log in required]
Membership is not available to non-College members.
Monthly ADHD Network Grand Rounds Case Presentation
First Wednesday of the month, 12 noon–1pm AEDT
Zoom meeting link sent to Network members via email each month.
- Crunelle CL, van den Brink W, Moggi F, et al. Eur Addict Res. 2018;24(1):43-51
International Consensus Statement on Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment of Substance Use Disorder Patients with Comorbid Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder - Özgena H, Spijkermana R, Noackb M, et al. Eur Addict Res. 2020;26:223–232 International Consensus Statement for the Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Adolescents with Concurrent Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Substance Use Disorder