Clinical guidelines & publications library


Publication type
Showing 121-140 of 292
  • Children with conduct disorder

    Addressing health inequities, Children & adolescents, Culturally safe practice, Professionalism

    Broad principles to guide governments, agencies, and services in meeting the mental health care needs of children with conduct disorder.

    Position statement
    • Last updated: Dec 2022
    • Published in Australia
    • PS #111
  • Autism: Addressing the mental health needs of Autistic people

    Addressing health inequities, Autism, Culturally safe practice, Professionalism

    This position statement addresses the significant challenges and unmet mental health needs of Autistic people.

    Position statement
    • Last updated: Dec 2022
    • Published in Australia
    • PS #110
  • Intellectual disabilities: Addressing the mental health needs of people with ID

    Addressing health inequities, Culturally safe practice, Ethics, Intellectual disability, Professionalism

    This position statement addresses the significant challenges and unmet mental health needs for people with intellectual disability.

    Position statement
    • Last updated: Dec 2022
    • Published in Australia
    • PS #109
  • Submission
    • Last updated: Dec 2022
    • Published in Australia
  • NZ Prescribing and dispensing of Class B controlled drugs

    Proposal to amend Pharmaceutical Schedule Rules on prescribing and dispensing of Class B controlled drugs, RANZCP NZ letter to Pharmac - Te Pātaka Whaioranga PDF Submission

    • Last updated: Dec 2022
    • Published in Aotearoa New Zealand
  • Assessment and management of behaviours and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD)

    Addressing health inequities, Culturally safe practice, Dementia, Ethics, Professionalism

    A handbook produced by NSW Health. URL Clinical guideline

    Clinical guideline
    • Last updated: Dec 2022
    • Published in NSW
    • External endorsed guidance
  • Proposed amendment to the controlled substances legislation: State-based authority requirements for


    RANZCP South Australia Branch submission to the Clinical Regulation SA Branch for the proposed amendment to the controlled Substances legislation: State-based authority requirements for prescribing Schedule 8 medicinal cannabis PDF Submission

    • Last updated: Dec 2022
    • Published in South Australia
    • Current
  • Draft guideline: Queensland Opioid Dependence Treatment


    RANZCP QLD submission to Office of the Chief Psychiatrist, Mental Health Alcohol and Other Drugs Branch PDF Submission

    • Last updated: Nov 2022
    • Published in Queensland
  • 2022-23 Pre-Budget Submission to the NSW Government

    Our submission highlights priority issues to improve the delivery of mental health services to thousands of people with mental health issues living in NSW. PDF Submission

    • Last updated: Nov 2022
    • Published in NSW
    • Current
  • Treating hepatitis C

    Addressing health inequities, Culturally safe practice, Ethics, Hepatitis C, Professionalism

    Guidance for psychiatrists to facilitate care for people living with mental illness who are living with, or at risk of contracting hepatitis C. PDF Clinical guideline

    Clinical guideline
    • Last updated: Nov 2022
    • Published in Australia
    • PPG #21
  • Relationships between old age psychiatry and geriatric medicine

    Addressing health inequities, Collaborative care, Culturally safe practice, Ethics, Old age, Professionalism

    Old age psychiatry and geriatric medical services need to work closely together to ensure the best treatment and care of older people.

    Position statement
    • Last updated: Oct 2022
    • Published in Australia
    • PS #31
  • Submission
    • Last updated: Oct 2022
    • Published in Victoria
  • Diagnostic manuals

    Culturally safe practice, Diagnostic manuals, Ethics, Professionalism

    Diagnostic manuals allow clinicians, teachers and researchers to ensure consistency in diagnosis. However, the complexity of patients’ presentations often do not fit neatly into diagnostic categories.

    Position statement
    • Last updated: Sep 2022
    • Published in Australia
    • PS #77
  • Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide

    Military and veterans

    RANZCP submission to the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide

    • Last updated: Sep 2022
    • Published in Australia
    • Current
  • rTMS therapy during the COVID-19 pandemic

    COVID-19, Electroconvulsive therapy & neurostimulation, Professionalism

    PDF Clinical guideline

    Clinical guideline
    • Last updated: Aug 2022
    • Published in Australia
  • ECT treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Electroconvulsive therapy & neurostimulation, Professionalism

    Considerations and precautions for the delivery of ECT during the pandemic. PDF Clinical guideline

    Clinical guideline
    • Last updated: Aug 2022
    • Published in Australia
  • Coroner’s Investigation into Transgender, Gender Diverse, and/or Non-Binary Suicides

    LGBTIQ+, Suicide

    RANZCP Submission to the Coroners Prevention Unit on the Coroner’s Investigation into Transgender, Gender Diverse, and/or Non-Binary Suicides

    • Last updated: Aug 2022
    • Published in Australia
  • Pacific Mental Health in Aotearoa New Zealand

    Culturally safe practice, Ethics, Families, whānau & carers, Professionalism

    The position statement identifies RANZCP’s commitment to improving Pacific mental health and providing effective health care that meets the specific cultural needs of Pacific populations.

    Position statement
    • Last updated: Jul 2022
    • Published in Aotearoa NZ
    • PS #108
  • Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS)

    Addressing health inequities, Culturally safe practice, Electroconvulsive therapy & neurostimulation, Ethics, Professionalism

    This memorandum is for psychiatrists who are interested in using transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) as a treatment for psychiatric disorders. PDF Clinical guideline

    Clinical guideline
    • Last updated: Jul 2022
    • Published in Australia
  • Use of ketamine in psychiatric practice

    Ethics, Ketamine, Professionalism

    Information for psychiatrists about the potential utility of ketamine in psychiatric practice. PDF Clinical guideline

    Clinical guideline
    • Last updated: Jul 2022
    • Published in Australia