Clinical guidelines & publications library


Publication type
Showing 141-160 of 292
  • Deep brain stimulation

    Electroconvulsive therapy & neurostimulation, Ethics, Professionalism

    A clinical memorandum to inform psychiatrists who are interested in using Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) as a treatment for psychiatric disorders. PDF Clinical guideline

    Clinical guideline
    • Last updated: Jul 2022
    • Published in Australia
  • Smoking cessation

    Addressing health inequities, Culturally safe practice, Physical health, Professionalism, Smoking cessation

    This guidance is for the management of smoking cessation for people with mental illness, living in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand. URL Clinical guideline

    Clinical guideline
    • Last updated: Jun 2022
    • Published in Australia
  • Ethics and conduct
    • Last updated: Jun 2022
    • Published in Australia
  • Australian Department of Health Management of Telehealth Service Expansion


    RANZCP submission to the Australian National Audit Office's for the Australian Department of Health Management of Telehealth Service Expansion

    • Last updated: Jun 2022
    • Published in Australia
    • Current
  • RANZCP Submission to TGA on proposed amendments to Poisons Standard

    Public consultation on proposed amendments to Poisons Standard, RANZCP Submission to Therapeutic Goods Administration, June 2022. PDF Submission

    • Last updated: Jun 2022
    • Current
  • Reducing Pokies Harm


    RANZCP NZ Submission to the Department of Internal Affairs. PDF Submission

    • Last updated: May 2022
    • Published in New Zealand
    • Current
  • Rural psychiatry

    Addressing health inequities, Rural, Workforce

    The RANZCP calls for dedicated strategies and funding to increase the number of psychiatrists working in rural and remote communities.

    Position statement
    • Last updated: Feb 2022
    • Published in Australia
    • PS #65
  • Recognising the significance of Te Tiriti o Waitangi

    Culturally safe practice, Māori

    This position statement aims to describe Te Tiriti within the context of improving hauora Māori (Māori health) and steps the RANZCP is taking to meet its responsibilities under Te Tiriti.

    Position statement
    • Last updated: Feb 2022
    • Published in New Zealand
    • PS #107
  • Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry in Aotearoa New Zealand


    RANZCP response to current Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry (CLP) services in Aotearoa New Zealand, including blueprint for policy, service and workforce development.

    • Last updated: Feb 2022
    • Published in New Zealand
  • Consultation on Independent Assessments 2021


    RANZCP submission on the implementation, performance and governance of independent assessments proposed by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA).

    • Last updated: Feb 2022
    • Published in Australia
  • Consultation on Scheme Implementation and Forecasting


    RANZCP contribution to the Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Current Scheme Implementation and Forecasting for the NDIS consultation (the consultation).

    • Last updated: Feb 2022
    • Published in Australia
  • Health Legislation Amendment (Medicare Compliance and Other Measures) Bill 2021

    Mental health legislation

    RANZCP submission to the Australian Government PDF Submission

    • Last updated: Jan 2022
    • Published in Australia
  • Principles for mental health systems

    Addressing health inequities, Health service standards

    This position statement outlines key principles of optimal mental health systems to inform governments and funders and achieve the best possible outcomes for consumers and the wider community.

    Position statement
    • Last updated: Dec 2021
    • Published in Australia
    • PS #37
  • The mental health impacts of climate change

    Addressing health inequities, Climate & environment, Natural disasters & emergencies

    This position statement recognises the mental health impacts of climate change and supports policy change that addresses these impacts.

    Position statement
    • Last updated: Dec 2021
    • Published in Australia
    • PS #106
  • Cultural safety

    Addressing health inequities, Culturally safe practice

    This position statement advocates for universal cultural safety in mental health systems, services, and care.

    Position statement
    • Last updated: Dec 2021
    • Published in Australia
    • PS #105
  • The mental health needs of children in care or at risk of entering care

    Addressing health inequities, Children & adolescents, Culturally safe practice, Ethics, Professionalism

    Children in care or at risk of entering care experience high rates of developmental and mental health problems, and therefore warrant special attention and priority access to multi-disciplinary mental health care that is competent in meeting their complex care needs.

    Position statement
    • Last updated: Dec 2021
    • Published in Australia
    • PS #59
  • Psychiatric service delivery for older people with mental disorders and dementia

    Addressing health inequities, Culturally safe practice, Dementia, Ethics, Old age, Professionalism

    A summary of evidence on effective models of psychiatry service delivery for older people. RANZCP has endorsed this resource produced by the Sax Institute. URL Clinical guideline

    Clinical guideline
    • Last updated: Dec 2021
    • Published in Australia
    • Endorsed external guidance
  • Support after patient suicide

    Addressing health inequities, Culturally safe practice, Doctor's health, Professionalism, Suicide

    A set of resources for health services, supervisors and trainees for coping with the suicide of a patient. PDF Clinical guideline

    Clinical guideline
    • Last updated: Dec 2021
    • Published in Australia
  • Information sharing with families, whānau and carers

    Addressing health inequities, Culturally safe practice, Ethics, Families, whānau & carers

    How psychiatrists can work effectively with carers to establish and maintain relationships with mental health services and staff. PDF Clinical guideline

    Clinical guideline
    • Last updated: Dec 2021
    • Published in Australia
    • PPG #20
  • rTMS in hospitals

    Electroconvulsive therapy & neurostimulation, Professionalism

    Guidance on the delivery of Medicare-funded repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) services in hospitals PDF Clinical guideline

    Clinical guideline
    • Last updated: Nov 2021
    • Published in Australia